The following is a partial listing of papers and publications authored or coauthored by Andrew Kerr. It is organized by the type of publication. Refereed journal publications and other such publications are copyright and cannot be provided as PDF files from this website. To obtain these, visit the website of the journal in question; many papers are now classed as 'open access' and can be obtained for free. Please contact us if you have trouble obtaining them.

Publications issued through Geological Surveys can be downloaded or ordered from their websites.
GAC Newfoundland and Labrador Section guidebooks can be downloaded from their website.

Refereed Journal Publications

KERR, A., 2020. Long walks. lost documents and the birthplace of igneous petrology: Exploring Glen Tilt, Perthshire, Scotland. Geosience Canada, 47, 83-102.

KERR, A., 2019. Exploring a famous ophiolite: A guide to the Bay of Islands Igneous ComplexHutton in Gros Morne National Park, western Newfoundland, Canada.Geosience Canada, 46, 101-136.

KERR, A., 2018. Hutton's unconformity at Siccar Point, Scotland: A guide for visiting the shrine on the abyss of time. Geoscience Canada, 45, 27-42.

KELLETT, D., McNICOLL, V., ROGERS, N., KERR, A. and VAN STAAL, C. R., 2014. New age data delineate extent and duration of Paleozoic and Neoproterozoic plutonism at the Gander-Avalon boundary, Newfoundland. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 94.

ZAGOREVSKI, A., McNICOLL, V., VAN STAAL, C. R., KERR, A., and JOYCE, N., 2015. From large zones to small terranes to detailed reconstruction of an Early to Middle Ordovician arc-backarc system preserved along the Iapetus Suture Zone: A legacy of Hank Williams. Geoscience Canada, 42, 125-150.

KERR, A., and SELBY, D., 2012: The timing of epigenetic gold mineralization on the Baie Verte Peninsula, Newfoundland, Canada: New evidence from Re-Os pyrite geochronology. Mineralium Deposita, 47, 325-337.

McNICOLL, V., SQUIRES, G.C., KERR, A. and MOORE, P., 2010: The Duck Pond and Boundary Cu-Zn deposits, Newfoundland: New insights into the ages of host rocks and the timing of VHMS mineralization. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 47, 1481- 1506.

KERR, A., and van BREEMEN, O., 2007: The timing of gold mineralization in White Bay, western Newfoundland: Evidence from 40Ar-39Ar studies of mafic dykes that predate and postdate mineralization. Atlantic Geology, 43, 148-162.

KERR, A., and LEITCH, A. M., 2005. Self-destructive sulfide segregation systems and the origins of high-grade magmatic ore deposits. Economic Geology, 100, 311-332.

KERR, A., 2003. Nickeliferous gabbroic intrusions of the Pants Lake area, Labrador, Canada: implications for the development of magmatic sulfides in mafic systems. American Journal of Science, 303, 221-258.

KERR, A., 2001. The calculation and use of sulfide metal contents in the study of magmatic ore deposits: a methodological analysis. Exploration and Mining Geology, 10, 289-301.

KERR, A., and RYAN, B., 2000. Threading the eye of the needle: Lessons from the search for another Voisey's Bay in Labrador, Canada. Economic Geology, 95, 725-749.

KERR, A., HALL, J., WARDLE, R. J., GOWER, C. F., and RYAN, B. 1997. New reflections on the structure and evolution of the Makkovikian - Ketilidian Orogen in Labrador and Greenland. Tectonics, 16, 942-965.

KERR, A., and WARDLE, R. J. 1997. Definition of an Archean - Proterozoic crustal suture by iso-topic studies of basement intersections from offshore wells in the southern Labrador Sea. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 34, p. 209-214.

HALL, J., WARDLE, R., GOWER, C.F., KERR, A., KEEN, C. E., COFLIN, K. and CARROL, P., 1995. Proterozoic orogens of the northeastern Canadian Shield: New information from crustal seismic- reflection surveys. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 32, 1119-1131.

KERR, A., JENNER, G.A., and FRYER, B.J., 1995. Sm-Nd isotopic geochemistry of Precambrian to Paleozoic granites and the deep-crustal structure of the southeastern margin of the Newfoundland Appalachians. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 32, 224-245.

KERR, A., and FRYER, B.J., 1994. The importance of late and postorogenic crustal growth in the Early Proterozoic : Evidence from Sm-Nd isotopic studies of igneous rocks in the Makkovik Province, Canada. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 125, 71-88.

KERR, A., DUNNING, G.R., and TUCKER, R.D., 1993. The youngest Paleozoic plutonism of the Newfoundland Appalachians: U-Pb zircon ages from the St. Lawrence and Francois Granites. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 30, 2328 - 2333.

KERR, A., and FRYER, B.J., 1993. Nd isotope evidence for crust-mantle interaction in the genesis of "A-type" granitoid suites in Labrador, eastern Canada. Chemical Geology, 104, 39-60.

KERR, A., KROGH, T.E., CORFU, F., SCHARER, U., GANDHI, S.S., and KWOK, Y., 1992. Episodic Early Proterozoic granitoid plutonism in the Makkovik Province of the eastern Cana-dian Shield: U-Pb geochronological data and geological implications. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1166-1179.

KERR, A., and DAVENPORT, P.H., 1990. Application of geochemical mapping techniques to a complex Precambrian shield area in Labrador, Canada. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 39, 225-247.

KERR, A., 1989. Geochemistry of the Trans-Labrador Granitoid Belt, Canada: A quantitative comparative study of a Proterozoic batholith and possible Phanerozoic counterparts. Precambrian Research, 45, 1-17.

COLLERSON, K. D., KERR, A., VOCKE, R. D., and HANSON, G. N. 1982. Reworking of sialic crust as represented in Late Archean gneisses, northern Labrador. Geology, 10, p. 202-208.

Other Refereed Publications (post-1990 only)

KERR, A. 1996. Space-time-composition relationships amongst Appalachian-Cycle plutonic suites in Newfoundland. In Sinha, K., Whalen, J. B. and Hogan, J. P. (eds.), The Nature of Magmatism in the Appalachian Orogen. Geological Society of America, Memoir 191, 193-219.

BARR, S. M. and KERR, A., 1996. Late Precambrian plutonism in the Avalon Zone of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland. In Sinha, K., Whalen, J. B. and Hogan, J. P. (eds.), The Nature of Magmatism in the Appalachian Orogen. Geological Society of America, Memoir 191, 45-73.

KERR, A., RYAN, A.B., GOWER, C.F. and WARDLE, R.J., 1996. The Makkovik Province : Extension of the Ketilidian Mobile Belt in Mainland North America. in Brewer, T. S. and Atkin, B. P. (eds), Crustal Evolution in the North Atlantic region, Geological Society (U.K.) Special Paper 112, 155-179.

KERR, A., 1991. A decade of evolution in Archean thought : The Third International Archean Conference in Perth, Western Australia. Geoscience Canada, 18, 24-28.

KERR, A. and FRYER, B.J., 1990. Sources of Early and Middle Proterozoic magmas in the Makkovik Province, Labrador : evidence from Nd isotope data. In: Gower, C.F., Ryan. A.B. and Rivers, T. (eds), Mid-Proterozoic Laurentia-Baltica. Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 38, 53-65.

KERR, A., ZALESKI, E. and WEBER, W., 1990. Digging for the past beneath the stones of Zimbabwe : A field meeting on the Archean - Proterozoic transition. Geoscience Canada, 17, p.33-37.

Government Publications (post-2005 only; partial listing only)

ADAMS, T., and KERR, A., 2015. Barite. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Commodity Series Report 10.

ADAMS, T., and KERR, A., 2014. Fluorite. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Commodity Series Report 9.

CONLIFFE, J., KERR, A., and HANCHAR, D., 2012. Iron Ore. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Commodity Series Report 8

SPARKES, G. W., and KERR, A., 2009. Uranium. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Commodity Series Report 6.

KERR, A. 2012. The Pants Lake intrusions, central Labrador: Geology, geochemistry and magmatic sulphide mineralization. Newfoundland Department of Mines and Energy, Mineral Resource Report 2012-6.

Current Research Reports (post-2005 only; partial listing only)

KERR, A., and SQUIRES, G. C., 2019. Serpentinites and associated rock types near Hopedale, Nunatsiavut: Potential for artisanal carving stone resources. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 2019-1, 39-57.

DONALDSON, C., SOOD, R., BARTH, A., CHRISTIE, H., and KERR, A., 2015. Geological relationships in northwestern Fogo Island and their implications for the timing of orogenic events. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 2015-1, 27-42.

KERR, A., 2015. Sm-Nd isotopic geochemistry of rare-earth element (REE) mineralization and associated peralkaline granites of the Strange Lake Intrusion, Labrador. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 2015-1, 63-83.

KERR, A., and HAMILTON, M. A., 2014. Rare-Earth element (REE) mineralization in the Mistastin Lake and Smallwood Reservoir areas, Labrador: Field relationships and preliminary U-Pb zircon ages from host granitoid rocks. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 2014-1, 45-63.

KERR, A., 2013. Rare-Earth element (REE) behaviour in the Strange Lake Intrusion, Labrador: Resource estimation using predictive methods. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 2013-1, 117-137.

KERR, A., 2013. The Fogo Process from a geologist’s perspective: A discussion of models and research problems. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 2013-1, 233-267.

KERR, A., WALSH, J. A., SPARKES, G. W., and HINCHEY, J. G., 2013. Vanadium potential in Newfoundland and Labrador: A review and assessment. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 2013-1, 137-167.

KERR, A., and RAFUSE, H., 2012. Rare-Earth Element (REE) geochemistry of the Strange Lake Deposits, Labrador: Implications for resource estimation and metallogenic models. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 2012-1, 39-61.

KERR, A., and McNICOLL, V., 2012. New U-Pb geochronological constraints from mineralized granites in southern Newfoundland. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 2012-1, 21-39.

KERR, A., 2011. Rare-Earth Element (REE) mineralization in Labrador: A review of known environments and the geological context of current exploration activity. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 2011-1, 109-145.

KERR, A., RAFUSE, H., SPARKES, G., HINCHEY, J., and SANDEMAN, H., 2011. Visible/Infrared spectroscopy (VIRS) as a research tool in economic geology: Background and pilot studies from Newfoundland and Labrador. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 2011-1, 145-167.

KERR, A., and SELBY, D., 2010. The timing of gold mineralization on the Baie Verte Peninsula: Progress report on Re-Os pyrite geochronology. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 2010-1, 41-51.

KERR, A., and McNICOLL, V., 2010. U-Pb ages from mafic rocks associated with orthomagmatic Ni-Cu-Co mineralization in west-central Labrador. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 2010-1, 23-41.

KERR, A., van NOSTRAND, T., DICKSON, W. L., and LYNCH, E., 2009. Molybdenum and tungsten in Newfoundland: A geological overview and a summary of recent exploration developments. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 2009-1, 43-81.

SPARKES, G. W., and KERR, A., 2008. Diverse styles of uranium mineralization in the Central Mineral Belt of Labrador: An overview and preliminary discussion. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 2010-1, 193-229.

McNICOLL, V., SQUIRES, G.C., KERR, A., and MOORE, P., 2008. Geological and metallogenic implications of U-Pb zircon geochronological data from the Tally Pond area, central Newdfoundland. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 2008-1, 173-193.

KERR, A., 2007. Mafic igneous rocks in western Labrador: A regional assessment of potential for magmatic Ni-Cu ± PGE mineralization. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 2007-1, 145-169.

KERR, A., 2006. Mesothermal gold mineralization in the Silurian Sops Arm Group, western Newfoundland: A descriptive and historical overview. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 2007-1, 61-91.

KERR, A., 2006. Silurian rocks of the Sops Arm Group, western Newfoundland: Some new food for future digestion. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 2006-1,91-119.

KERR, A., van BREEMEN, O. and CREASER, R. A., 2006. The timing of gold mineralization at the Rattling Brook deposit, White Bay: constraints from Re-Os and Ar- Ar geochronology. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 2006-1,119-135.

KERR, A., 2005. Geology and geochemistry of unusual gold mineralization in the Cat Arm Road area, western White Bay: preliminary assessment in the context of new exploration models. Newfoundland Department of Mines and Energy, Geological Survey, Report 2005-1, 173-206.

Field Trip Guidebooks (partial listing only)

VAN STAAL, C.R., RUBERTI, G., KERR, A., and CONLIFFE, J., 2014. The Coast of Bays: Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Gander Margin and adjacent Avalonia in southeastern Newfoundland. Geological Association of Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Section, Fall Field Trip Guidebook.

KERR, A., 2011. Fogo Island: Exploring a composite bimodal magma chamber and its volcanic superstructure. Geological Association of Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Section, Fall Field Trip Guidebook.

MYROW, P., NARBONNE, G. M., and KERR, A., 2010. The Dawn of the Paleozoic on the Burin Peninsula. Geological Association of Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Section, Fall Field Trip Guidebook.

SKULSKI, T., CASTONGUAY, S., van STAAL, C., ROGERS, N., McNICOLL, V., KERR, A., and ESCAYOLA, M., 2009. Baie Verte Peninsula: An evolving geological story. Geological Association of Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Section, Fall Field Trip Guidebook.

O’BRIEN, S. J., HOFFMAN, H., KING, A.F., LANE, T. E., KERR, A., and DEAN, P. L., 2008. Bonavista ! Geological Association of Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Section, Fall Field Trip Guidebook.

ZAGOREVSKI, A., van STAAL, C., ROGERS, N., CURRIE, M., KERR, A. and HINCHEY, J., 2007. Tectonics and time down on the Red Indian Line. Geological Association of Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Section, Fall Field Trip Guidebook.

FLETCHER, T. P., HODYCH, J. and KERR, A., 2006. The Cape St. Mary’s Peninsula: Sediments, sills, scenery and seabirds. Geological Association of Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Section, Fall Field Trip Guidebook.

KERR, A., KNIGHT, I. and McCUAIG, S., 2004. Western White Bay: Stratigraphy, structure, gold mineralization and Quaternary history. Geological Association of Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Section, Fall Field Trip Guidebook.

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